Helsinki tickets (very old)

10 Joulukuu 2007
I joined this forum when one of the trams from Zagreb arrived in Helsinki for testing (2263). I am watching all your comments, but unfortunately I do not undesrtand very much.
This week I discovered few tickets (in the collection of souvenirs of my parents) that are apparently from Helsinki:

The date on the left ticket is 25 August 1962.
Can you describe in more details the green ticket and, particulary, the possible meaning and usage of the two red tickets on the right side?
(in English, please ;) )
EDIT: OK, I understand that the topic was misplaced :redface:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Green ticket is a single with one transfer.
Zone 1 is the city area, all tram routes are in zone 1. (Helsinki had four zones and two sectors, tickets were for 6 zones.)
Price is cheap 40 markka and in next year we took penni again in use (not used in 1949-1962) and the tram price was then 40 p.

I think State Railway tickets are for luggage storage or for public toilet in station.
The date on the left ticket is 25 August 1962.
Can you describe in more details the green ticket and, particulary, the possible meaning and usage of the two red tickets on the right side?

"Lippuun sisältyy yksi siirto-oikeus" / "Rätt till en övergång ingår i biljetten" = "The ticket includes right to one transfer"

"Näytettävä vaadittaessa" / "Bör uppvisas vid anfordran" = "To be shown when asked"

About those red tickets I have no idea, except that Valtionrautatiet / Statsjärnvägarna means the State Railways, nowadays VR Group (and the Finnish Rail Administration).