Tällaisen sivuston ainakin löysin. En toki osaa kieltä, mutta tossa kuvassa ainakin komeilee uudenmallinen nivel-Citea Amsterdamin tilaajaväriasussa.
Chrome autokäänsi jutun mulle. Tässä kiinnostavimmat poiminnat lontooksi:
VDL Bus & Coach will deliver 54 VDL Citeas LF-122 and 30 articulated new generation VDL Citeas of the type LF-181. VDL Bus & Coach is also responsible for the implementation of the charging infrastructure for the expansion of the GVB fleet. GVB has been using VDL electric buses since the end of 2019. There are currently 44 vehicles on the road and an additional 31 will be added in the summer months, bringing the total number of electric buses to 75 VDL Citeas.
GVB on siis Amsterdamin seudun joukkoliikenneoperaattori.
(Muutama kappale PR-huuhaata tässä välissä)
Amsterdam is working on further reducing CO 2 emissions in the city. The municipality has developed the 'Routekaart Amsterdam Climate Neutral 2050' for this purpose. Amsterdam will reduce CO2 emissions by 5% in 2025, by 55% in 2030 and by 95% in 2050 compared to 1990 emissions. Part of this is that GVB will provide completely emission-free bus transport by 2025 .
“GVB is going to phase out the last diesel buses and is switching definitively to zero-emission VDL Citeas in Amsterdam." says Ard Romers, director of VDL Bus & Coach Nederland.
New generation VDL Citea
Over the past decade, VDL Bus & Coach has grown into one of the most important players in Europe in the field of e-mobility. Since the introduction of the first VDL Citea SLF-120 Electric in Geneva, during the UITP Mobility & City Transport exhibition in 2013, VDL Bus & Coach has focused strongly on electric mobility. In 2021, VDL Bus & Coach presented the new generation of electric VDL Citeas. Based on the VDL vision, a bus concept has been developed, based entirely on an electric powertrain, which is ready for the future and in which zero emissions are a matter of course.
Batteries in the floor, a one-piece composite side wall, smart energy management, a sophisticated climate system and an ergonomic driver environment. With these important innovations, VDL Bus & Coach is introducing the new generation Citea product range, consisting of 4 length variants and 5 types. The range of the new generation of Citeas has been significantly improved. The new generation of VDL Citeas has already been sold in various countries and will be deployed in various cities and regions from this year: the Netherlands (Eindhoven), Finland (Kotka and Lahti), Belgium (all of Flanders), Germany (Oberhausen and Braunschweig) and France (Bordeaux).